How it all started...
Dove Creek Bible Church was originally founded in 1989 as the Evangelical Free Church of Bakersfield, and was formerly known as River Valley Bible Church until the move to the current facility in the Dove Creek Community near Allen and Rosedale.
From the beginning, Founding Pastor Jeff Harrington has been passionate about grace-based, verse by verse Bible teaching which has always resonated with many in the local community.
While many are to be thanked as having given so much to this body over the years, it has truly been God's story at work in the lives of those who have been a part.
From the beginning, Founding Pastor Jeff Harrington has been passionate about grace-based, verse by verse Bible teaching which has always resonated with many in the local community.
While many are to be thanked as having given so much to this body over the years, it has truly been God's story at work in the lives of those who have been a part.

God's provision in transition...
Dove Creek has been fortunate to see God's provision in continuing with the same message and focus, but into the next chapter with the movement to a new Lead Pastor in January 2024. We have seen God go before us as we step into a new moment while never forgetting who we are and where we have come from.
Where we are headed...
God's vision for the future is simple...make disciples, through teaching that all of life is all for Christ. The Gospel and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit will be the focus and the power behind our mission, as we join Christ in building His Kingdom, not our own.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:45 AM.